Meet our team member that has been in the energy industry for years.

Farhan Muhammad

Chief Executive Officer

Sally Amalia

Chief Support Officer


Our consultant team consists of experts with extensive years of experience and rising star engineers with relevant education background and field experience. Extensively trained to obtain the specific knowledge and skill set according to Rigsis consultant standards.

Viki Agustino

Operations Manager

Dicky Alamsyah

Mechanical Engineer

Krisnawan Wijayanto

Civil Engineer

Pradana Vian Prasetyo

Associate Drilling Engineer

Didin Chaerudin I

Associate Drilling Engineer

Teuku Muhammad Iqbal

Associate Mechanical Engineer

Fandhika Muhammad

Associate Mechanical Engineer

Fauziyyah Nurul Haq

Associate Electrical Engineer

Business Development

Septa Tri Ratnasari

Business Development Manager

Nur Raisa Olivia

Business Executive

Legal, IT & Support Team

Erika Tionady

Legal Advisor

Ariani Tri Utari

Human Resources

Arllenetrixy Marfiani


Dian Yulita Putri

General Support
and Project Admin


Software Engineer